How to WordPress

Jak resetovat WordPress? Odinstalujte a nainstalujte WP snadno a rychle
Pokud provozujete testovací stránku a jednou za čas ji potřebujete vrátit do původního nastavení bez jakýchkoliv úprav, tedy do stavu čisté instalace, nemusíte provádět zdlouhavou manuální instalaci WordPressu. Jak resetovat WordPress? 
Jak vyčistit WordPress databázi a zrychlit web
WordPress ke svému fungování hojně využívá databázových záznamů a tabulek. Ty se postupem času mohou zanášet pozůstatky po pluginech, verzemi příspěvků, smazanými komentáři či spamem. To může celý web zpomalit a zvyšovat nároky na hosting. Jak databázi vyčistit?
Jak zabránit návštěvníkům v kopírování textů a obrázků WordPress stránek?
Řada uživatelů na internetu neváhá kopírovat a krást cizí obsah. Jak své texty a obrázky chránit a kopírování obsahu na WordPressu co nejvíce ztížit ?
Jak hromadně upravit texty ve WordPressu?
Jak snadno vyřešit situaci, kdy je zapotřebí upravit vícero textů na různých místech webu? Vyhledat a nahradit konkrétní výrazy napříč webem nemusí zabrat hodiny, poradíme, jak na to.
Jak zaheslovat WordPress stránky
Jak zaheslovat obsah celých stránek či jejich částí? Ve WordPressu lze obsah uzamknout snadno a rychle díky integrované funkci a nastavit si můžete i heslo pro přístup k celému webu. Jak na to?
Jak aktualizovat WordPress pluginy? Bezpečně, automaticky i ze ZIP souboru
Pravidelná aktualizace pluginů je jednou z nejdůležitějších věcí, které můžete pro zabezpečení WordPress stránek udělat. Jak nejlépe aktualizovat WordPress pluginy, proč není automatická aktualizace vždy tou nejlepší volbou a jak aktualizovat pluginy ze .ZIP souboru?
WordPress bez šablony: Jak vytvořit webovou stránku za využití builderů?
Většina webů postavených na WordPressu vzniká nainstalováním redakčního systému a následnou implementací zakoupené, stažené či na míru naprogramované šablony. To ale nemusí být konec a pokud chce majitel web dále rozvíjet, čeká na něj spousta práce.
AMP na WordPressu: Jak funguje a jak díky němu výrazně zrychlíte stránky?
Ačkoliv to již dávno není pravda, existuje řada zájemců o webové stránky a uživatelů, kteří si myslí, že je WordPress pomalý. Mnohdy mají zkušenost se špatně optimalizovanými weby, často na nekvalitním hostingu. WordPress sám o sobě totiž pomalý není, problémem jsou ve většině případů pouze špatně připravené šablony, pluginy a pomalé sdílené hostingy.
Jak nastavit přesměrování stránky na WordPressu
Jak přesměrovat odkaz v rámci WordPress webu v případě, že dojde ke smazání, nebo úpravě URL adresy některé ze stránek? Nejlepším řešením, které nemá negativní dopady na umístění ve vyhledávačích, je správné přesměrování. Jak na něj?
Jak na SPAM ve WordPressu? Ochraňte komentáře i formuláře
Provozujete web s formulářem ve stylu Contact Form 7 a tradiční WordPress diskuzí? Pokud svou stránku nebudete chránit, roboti rozesílající nevyžádané zprávy a reklamy si vás brzy najdou. Spolehlivé řešení existuje a navíc je zcela zdarma. Jak se zbavit spamu na WordPress stránkách?
What Is Akismet and How Can I Enable This Anti-Spam Solution?
Spam can cause a lot of mess in WordPress websites. Fortunately, there are efficient tools which will help you to get rid of it. One of them is called Akismet. It’s one of the two plug-ins that are available immediately after the initial installation of WordPress. What can Akismet do and how can you use it for free?
How Can I Make WordPress Administration Faster?
Website speed is a frequently discussed topic. When we say "website speed", we mean two things: speed of the frontend, which is the part of the website that is visible to the visitors, and speed with which the content of a website can be edited and changed in the administration dashboard. Both of them can be slowed down or otherwise disrupted by various factors. In this article, we will talk about the things that usually slow down the WordPress administration and about methods to speed it up.
How Can I Display Different Menus on Different Pages of a WordPress Website?
The navigation menu in WordPress websites doesn’t have to be a static element. It can change based on the user’s behaviour, and you don’t need coding skills in order to make it happen. For example, users who are logged in can see a different menu than users who aren’t logged in. Want to know how to do it and how to display different menus on different pages of a single website?
How Do I Translate WordPress Templates and Plug-ins?
Want to know how to translate short strings and names of categories which have been placed in the templates by their designers? In this tutorial, we will show you a way to translate templates and plug-ins in WordPress websites.
How Do I Fix Czech Characters Not Showing Up Properly on WordPress Websites in Internet Explorer?
The only browser that has major problems with Czech characters encoded in external Google Fonts is Internet Explorer. How do I fix this issue on a WordPress website without the need to change the fonts and how do I load the Google Fonts locally?
WordPress basic installation configuration
WordPress basic installation configuration. Creating a website in WordPress is easy. Even for absolute beginners, if you know exactly which steps to take. The system is intuïtive, simple and in plain English. Read how to install WordPress and set up its basic configuration.
How do I embed maps on a website? Instructions for Google Maps and
Contacts on websites rarely do without embedded maps. How to embed maps into WordPress pages easily and for free?
How to insert a PDF document into a WordPress site?
How do I embed PDFs into my pages to make them an interactive part of the website? Show your customers and clients important information without having to download files.
How to secure WordPress and protect it from attackers?
WordPress content management systém is used by more than 30 % of websites on the Internet.  Because of its popularity, it has become a frequent target of individualized and global attacks that try to use the attacked sites to further spread threats or to increase own earnings. How to effectively defend your webstie against attacks?
Tables in WordPress: how to create and embed a table on a website
Tables are part of the content of many websites. They can be used in price lists or contact lists. How to insert a spreadsheet into a site created with WordPress?
WordPress custom images: how to create custom images and croppings in WordPress?
In its basic installation, WordPress generates thumbnail images in preset sizes based on the used template. This may not be sufficient in some situations. If you regularly use images on your website in certain dimensions, it's better to automate their generation to avoid lengthy cropping in the PC editor. How to proceed if you want to automate generating croppings and previews of individual images?
How to Set up HTTPS (SSL) in WordPress
Secure communication between the web server and end users becomes a standard that is not advised to be overlooked. In addition to security itself, it also has a fundamental influence on the visitors credibility and also affects search engine rankings. How to correctly set up HTTPS (SSL) on WordPress?
How do I customize the WordPress login page and insert my own logo?
If you've successfully installed the content management system and created a WordPress website, you might want to customize the details that visitors do not see at your site. However, it is visible to your clients or website administrators, for whom every tiny detail can play an important role.
How do I change the URL of the sign-in page in WordPress to improve website security?
Changing the address of the login page is not just a cosmetic thing. Thin editing can effectively protect your website from many attackers and robots who are trying hard to break the security of your site.
How to view ads and a list of related WordPress articles with Google Matched Content?
Visitors to blogs and other content websites often use block-style elements displaying "Matched content." These lists of contextually related content that are out of page clarity also increase the amount of time users spend on the page, and if they are used correctly, they can be the ideal place to place ad messages.
How to secure WordPress without plugins, just using the .htaccess file
There are many tips and tricks on WordPress security. Most of these include the installation of third-party security plug-ins. However, if you do not want to install the plugin, you can try a simple setup with the .htaccess file.
WordPress Plugin: 4 free must-have plugins
WordPress Plugin. With plugins, the functionality of your WordPress site becomes adaptable. Yet, amongst so many, often beginners get confused when trying to pick the best. We explain what WordPress plugins are. How they work. And which four free plugins are an absolute
WordPress Themes: how to use WordPress templates
WordPress Themes. Ready to take the next step: find the right WordPress Themes that meet your needs. Installing a WordPress theme is easy. But keep in mind that if you activate a new theme, it will change how your website looks and function completely. Read on how to use WordPress templates.
WordPress Widgets: what are they and how to install them?
WordPress Widgets. You can extend your WordPress site with new functionalities through Widgets. But what are Widgets exactly and how to install Widgets to your WordPress site? Read this article to find out.
Yoast SEO plugin: 4 tips for WordPress Search Engine Optimisation
Yoast SEO plugin. Do you want web visitors to find your site on the Internet? Use Search Engine Optimisation when creating your WordPress site. The Yoast SEO Plugin will help you out with SEO for WordPress, even if you do not fully understand what SEO is about.
WordPress Website Speed: How to speed up your WordPress website?
WordPress Website Speed. Still, think the speed of your website does not matter? Think again. Web visitors expect speed. Search engines crawl search results based on speed. As a website, you have max. 2 seconds to make a great first impression. How to speed up your WordPress website?
Google Analytics WordPress: How to setup WordPress traffic the proper way?
Google Analytics WordPress. Your WordPress website is online. Congrats! Yet, you are still far from ready. Your website is one of many. There are over 1 billion active websites on the internet (Internetlivestats, 2017). Time to measure your website traffic. That is where Google Analytics
WordPress favicon: how to add favicon in WordPress?
WordPress favicon. Always wondered why some websites contain a small icon in the web browser? Time to find out for yourself. At the first glance, it may not seem to be such a big deal. Yet, a favicon is an absolute necessity for your WordPress website. WordPress favicon: how to add a favicon in WordPress?
WordPress shortcodes: how to insert shortcodes in WordPress?
WordPress shortcodes. Did you ever see a text within brackets in WordPress? Then you have seen a shortcode. Shortcuts add new features to your content and ease your work. Want to add a video, button or survey without using a code? WordPress shortcodes: how to insert shortcodes in
WordPress video: How to embed video to WordPress posts and pages?
WordPress video. Website visitors scan digital information quickly. They pay more attention to visuals, such as video. As it is more entertaining than long text and delivers the key idea faster. Enriching your web content with video is crucial to delivering good site experiences.
Google Custom Search Engine: How to Add Google Search in a WordPress Site?
Google Custom Search Engine. Although WordPress comes with a built-in search feature, it is not very accurate. That’s why many site owners prefer to add Google site search on their WordPress site. Read this article, to learn how to add Google Search into a WordPress site.
Automatic Social Network: How to share posts from WordPress to social networks automatic?
Automatic Social Network sharing. Sharing articles and social networking articles are popular nowadays. Facebook and Twitter are popular social channels to inform your customers. Fans and subscribers want to receive updates in the simplest way as possible. So, how to share posts from WordPress to social networks automatic?
WordPress Contact Form: how to create an e-mail contact form in WordPress?
WordPress Contact Form. The goal of your WordPress website is to get in touch with potential customers to sell your products. Adding a contact form is the first step to gain a reliable customer base. Not sure which WordPress contact form plugin to use or how it works? How to create an e-mail contact form in WordPress?
WordPress Migration: How to move your WordPress website to a new hosting or other domain?
WordPress Migration. Moving your website can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t need to be. The biggest risk when migrating a website to a new server is data loss and downtime. To prevent this, here "how to move your entire WordPress sites to a new hosting or other domain?"
WordPress RSS: How to set up RSS Feed on WordPress?
WordPress RSS. You heard of RSS. But What is RSS Feeds exactly? What are its benefits? And how to enable, use, optimize and disable RSS up in WordPress? WordPress RSS: How to set up RSS Feed on WordPress?
WordPress Multi-language: How to create a multilingual page in WordPress?
WordPress Multi-language. Does your WordPress website receive visits from all over the world? Time to change your WordPress website into a Multi-language site. Install multi-language plugins or use Automated machine translation. How to create a multilingual page in WordPress?
WooCommerce webshop tutorial: How to install WooCommerce in WordPress?
WooCommerce webshop tutorial. Perfectly integrated with WordPress, WooCommerce is the most popular free webshop plugin. Read the WooCommerce webshop tutorial to understand why WooCommerce is so popular. And learn how to install, set up and extend an online store in WordPress using WooCommerce step by step.
WordPress Comments: Alternative Commenting plugins for WordPress
WordPress Comments. WordPress users don’t need a plugin to accept comments on their blogs. As WordPress comes with a built-in commenting system. Yet, the integrated comments in WordPress provide very basic spam sensitive features. There are far more advanced Commenting plugins available. Here the best alternative commenting plugins for WordPress.
How to change the preview of WordPress posts on Facebook and Twitter?
This is a thing that is often forgotten, but it is very important for visibility and sharing of the website. Differentiate yourself from other users and learn how to easily change the image and text that will appear when sharing your social media content, whether on Facebook or Twitter.
Where to find quality free templates for WordPress?
One of the first steps in building a WordPress site is to find the appropriate template, the design on which you will build your website. Though there are many sophisticated paid templates, you can even find really good pieces for free. Do you know where to look for them?
The best professional templates in WordPress – how to select them and where to buy them

WordPress content management system offers countless free templates and extensions. However, if you expect more from your site and do not want to have a customized programmer's template, you will sooner or later consider buying a paid template. Moreover, paid templates are usually not expensive, they are easier to set up, and their creators are happy to help with any adjustments. What professional template to choose? Which templates have a really simple setup and how to choose a paid template without making a mistake?
Website optimization in WordPress: How to reduce website volume and the number of files loaded
In How to speed up WordPress we outlined how to increase the load of a WordPress website. Here we will also show other optimization procedures for streamlining website speed. The web will load faster not only for users, but it will also affect the search engines. Plus, you can do it without a programmer.
Automatic backups in WordPress: how to back up your web content automatically and manually
Data backup is necessary. How do I make a backup of a website and have it ready in an emergency? Imagine losing your entire site content. It could be liquidating. However, only a few people have a backup of their website. Fortunately, WordPress can be backed up easily and for free.