WordPress Themes: how to use WordPress templates

WordPress Themes. Ready to take the next step: find the right WordPress Themes that meet your needs. Installing a WordPress theme is easy. But keep in mind that if you activate a new theme, it will change how your website looks and function completely. Read on how to use WordPress templates.

What are WordPress Templates?

WordPress themes are:

"a group of files called templates, which determine the look and basic function of your site."

They change the display of your website. Without modifying the underlying software.

How to select a WordPress theme?

Finding the right WordPress theme might be a little challenging. There are plenty of WordPress Themes or templates out there. Both free and Premium (paid) versions from within WordPress or outside, on the Internet. You may want to try out a few WordPress themes on your site until you find the right one that meets your needs.

IMPORTANT: WordPress makes it easy for users to change themes. It is a few clicks away. But changing themes is much more than clicking activate.

Free or Premium (paid) WordPress Theme

Free WordPress Themes are often enough. There are so many free templates available, it will be easy to pick a single one.

Yet, if you want, you can also add a Premium (paid) template, as designed by yourself or bought from the internet. The procedure is the same as below. But you first need to download the templates, before being able to install them. And later on, upload the template into the system in a packaged format.

How to select a new WordPress template?

The best way to install a new WordPress template with ACTIVE 24 web hosting package? Install a WordPress Theme from the WordPress.org themes directory. With WordPress Admin Theme Search you can install both free or Premium (paid) themes.

WordPress šablony

  1. Login to your WordPress admin area with your login credentials.
  2. Click on Appearance, then choose Themes.
  3. On the Themes page, click on the Add New button at the top.
  4. On the next screen, select from:
    • Featured WordPress themes
    • Popular WordPress themes
    • Latest WordPress themes
    • Search for a specific theme
    • Search for themes with specific features

How to install a new WordPress template?

Based on your search, you will see a single theme or a list of themes that meet your needs. Then:

  1. Choose the theme you want to install by clicking on the image.
  2. Click “Install Theme” button.
  3. WordPress will now download, unpack, and install the chosen theme.
  4. You will receive a success message after installation with an Activation link.
  5. Click “Activate” to Activate or live preview the theme on your WordPress site.

TIP: Less is beautiful. Be aware that the design of the WordPress theme does not confuse your website visitors. Website functionality and user friendliness. These are the most important parameters to find a great Template for your WordPress site.

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